Reply indicator in subject
Claus Atzenbeck
2008-12-16 07:45:04 UTC

Some e-mail clients use a localized reply indicator for the subject
line. For instance, Pine/Alpine uses the English "Re:", whereas some
German localized clients use "Antw:" (for German "Antwort" = English
"Reply") etc.

What happens is that Alpine does not recognize "Antw:" as being the same
as "Re:". After some mails back and forth, a subject line usually looks
like this:

Re: Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Antw: Original Subject

I'm wondering if there is a way to teach Alpine the different localized
variations of "Re:" such that it automatically removes those before
adding "Re:" to a subject line?

Eduardo Chappa
2008-12-16 15:03:23 UTC
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:

:) What happens is that Alpine does not recognize "Antw:" as being the
:) same as "Re:". After some mails back and forth, a subject line usually
:) looks like this:
:) Re: Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Antw: Original Subject
:) I'm wondering if there is a way to teach Alpine the different localized
:) variations of "Re:" such that it automatically removes those before
:) adding "Re:" to a subject line?

Dear Claus,

I have a patch that teaches Pine/Alpine to remove these strings
automatically. The patch is called "Define your own rules...", and what
you need to do is set up the "reply-subject-rules" variable. This is the
text from the help for that option:

Another example where you may want to use this rule is when you correspond
with people that change the reply string from "Re:" to "AW:" or "Sv:". In
this case a rule like
_SUBJECT_ >> {Sv: ;AW: } => _SUBJECT_ := _TRIM_{Sv: ;AW: }

would eliminate undesired strings in replies.

I hope this helps.