brightwhite foreground color
Fleet Teachout
2009-01-31 22:25:49 UTC
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white. I
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I have a
hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)

- fleet -

PS: Just discovered I sent this initially to the server at
pine-info-request. That wasn't my intention. Apologies.
2009-02-18 20:09:19 UTC
Post by Fleet Teachout
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white. I
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I have
a hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)
I can't answer the question as asked; my gnome-terminal wouldn't
give me such a color, either.

But I can tell you how I cope with arthritic eyeballs and
trifocal fingers -- especially if any of your dimness, like mine, has rto
do with antiquated irises, stiffening like the lenses in front of them,
that don't open and close at near the speed they once did. (E.g., if
oncoming headlights make driving at night difficult, you have the

I keep profiles with pale pastel colors and very deep colored
text : pale green for normal, pale blue for any tab su'd to root, pale
pink for one ssh'd to another machine, and so on. The text is black or
close to it unless root is using the keyboard; then it's deepest blood

The pale pastels are actually easier on the eyes than the glaring
white -- enough easier so that the slightly lessened contrast is quite
adequate, at least for me.
Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.
Bret Busby
2009-02-19 00:33:28 UTC
Post by Fleet Teachout
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white. I
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I have
a hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)
Have you tried black text on a white background?

It is the default on my xterm sessions, and it is easy to read.

I don't like bright light, but the black text on a white background,
doesn't bother me.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992

David Morris
2009-02-19 04:28:47 UTC
Post by Fleet Teachout
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white. I
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I have
a hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)
I found that if I set my SSH client to be a monochrome terminal, pine
defaults to white BG/black FG. I use SecureCRT from VanDyke on my windows

Dave Morris
Fleet Teachout
2009-02-19 06:36:40 UTC
City: New York
StateProv: NY
Post by David Morris
Post by Fleet Teachout
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white.
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I
x>> > have
Post by David Morris
Post by Fleet Teachout
a hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)
I found that if I set my SSH client to be a monochrome terminal, pine
defaults to white BG/black FG. I use SecureCRT from VanDyke on my windows
Black text on a white background does not work for me.

- fleet -
2009-02-19 21:58:00 UTC
Post by Fleet Teachout
Is there any way to make the "normal" foreground color bright white. I
use a black background and the "white" foreground color is so dim I have
a hard time reading the messages. (I'm 69 with a cataract on one eye -
dimmness may not lie entirely with pine.)
Dunno if anyone here has noticed my concurrent thread on alpine-
info about spellchecking badness.It just turned up a new weirdness which
may just possibly be relevant here.

I have a gnome terminal profile set for remote email, which at
home has dark text on a pale pastel background; when I ssh into my remote
domain, commanding "alpine" there suddenly turns it to white text on
black -- but somewhat faded, or washed out. (I need to tweak my remote
alpine color settings, but haven't gotten a round tuit.)

When I then tell alpine to send, it jumps into the spellchecker
-- still white on black, but suddenly much sharper and contrastier.

My very tentative hypothesis: by alternately tweaking the gnome-
terminal colors at home and the alpine colors on the remote, it may be
possible to get all sorts of surprises that neither alone manages to make
this monitor do.

Of course, you have to be doing your mail remotely ....
Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.